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Five Fine Art Favourites: February 2022

Five Fine Art Favourites: February 2022

/ Monday 7th of February, 2022

As we make our way through winter, here we take a moment to pay tribute to the five original paintings within the gallery's collection currently holding both our hearts and headspace. 


1. ‘Woodland Walk, Yorkshire Dales’ by Terry Evans. Oil on canvas. 20” x 20”. £1,485

Chosen by: Philip Short, Director

“Employing the impasto technique to elevated effect, here Terry touches the bare treetops with his palette knife, leaving behind a feathery track of bright white snow gathering on the branches of this wintry wood. The impasto pulls the treelined riverbank to the forefront of the scene, naturally contrasting the placid waters of the woodland pool. It's a dynamic approach that delivers a painting teeming with vitality and artistic zeal.”


2. ‘Memories of the Yorkshire Dales’ by Edward Hersey. Oil on panel. 30” x 30”. £11,885

Chosen by: Alan Short, Director

“This painting is Hersey at his finest. From the rusting blue Land Rover and the classic red tractor to the intricate details of the farm buildings and sun-baked surrounds. He never fails to create pictures of spectacular scope, while something of personal and intimate always remains at the heart of his work. When it comes to scenes of rural Yorkshire, few can compare."


3. ‘Tuscan Poppies’ by Steve Thoms. Oil on Panel. 24” x 16”. £1,885

Chosen by: Deanna Dawkins, Gallery Manager

"Steve Thoms' work always seems to be the perfect combination of relaxing and invigorating. His choice of bright, bold colours inject instant life and vitality into a moment, while his gentle, rolling compositions of the landscape simultaneously lull the viewer into a nearly hypnotic trance. It's a universal appeal that is hard to ignore."


4. ‘Moonlight Cove’ by Alex Hill. Oil on panel. 12” x 16”. £925

Chosen by: Kirsty Maclennan, Gallery Assistant.

“The narrative threads that runs through Alex’s work will be forever intriguing to me, conjuring up tales of danger, adventure and mystery. With deeper, darker tones than he usually applies, Moonlight Cove appears all the more entrancing, as it seems at any moment the veil of night will draw over the scene and obscure our view. As the moonlight shimmers on the ocean’s surface and the fire’s burn bright on the hidden shore, we can only begin to imagine what is yet to unfold.”


5. ‘Golden and Bright’ by Raymond Campbell. Oil on panel. 8” x 15”. £2,185

Chosen by: Sarah Pearson Short, Gallery Assistant.

“As soon as we acquired this painting, it caught my eye. I particularly love the bright pop of colour the cherries provide, drawing your eye and daring you to look closer. When you do, there is nearly a tickling sensation from the golden fizz of the champagne in its elegant flute, beautifully punctuated with flashes of emerald green from the perspiring bottle. Raymond is simpaly an artist that never fails to dazzle.”


To find out more of our favourites, visit our York gallery, drop us an email or strike up a conversation with a member of our friendly team on our live chat.